de 1991 Formando Artistas



Somos tres organizaciones que se complementan, con los mismos objetivos.

-Fundación Arte Real RUT 65.192.484-7

-Comunidad Artistas Libres, y

-Arte Real Vitacura RUT 65.080.489-9

Como Arte Real Vitacura, hemos desarrollado una area de formación y talleres, que denominamos

Arte Real Vitacura es una Organización Funcional ONG, “SIN FINES DE LUCRO”,
Exenta de impuestos, Democrática de libre elección. Al servicio de la comunidad.

Directorio vigente hasta Marzo del 2022:

Director; Sr. Ramírez Carreño, Ricardo RUT 11.473.484-5
Director; Sr. Ramírez Reyes, Leonardo RUT 16.739.999-1
Director; Srta. Reyes Martinez, Leticia RUT 12.001.560-5
Acta nº34, elección (marzo 2018)

Nuestros Programas

Todos nuestros programas son impartidos por destacados artistas contemporáneos, que están en plena vigencia y participan activamente en el realismo contemporáneo mundial. Todos especialistas en técnicas históricas de los grandes maestros.

Painting Workshop

The best of the history for the Art of Today

Después de veinte años de investigación y desarrollo de las Técnicas históricas de la pintura al óleo de los grandes Maestros Europeos; te ofrecemos el taller más completo y preciso con lo mejor de la tradición pictórica para la creación del arte actual. Arte contemporáneo de calidad, inalterable y duradero, con una estética natural que aspira a la belleza y busca profundizar en la mirada


Drawing Workshop

The Analytical Drawing, to learn to see

The Drawing is not only an art in itself, it is one of the three pillars that sustain the painting, besides an essential element of the other traditional visual arts; With the Analytical Drawing you not only learn to draw, but also; More importantly, you learn to see.

Children Academy

Oil Painting Academy for Children

The children's academy is not just a hobby or therapy, with the children's academy we are working seriously introducing children to the same techniques and discipline that is required of an adult, we teach them to see and execute an oil painting correctly. We are creating a seedbed of potential figurative artists

Collaborating Associates



Monday Wednesday and Friday

From 10:00 to 13:00 hrs.

Monday and Wednesday

From 16:00 to 19:00 hrs.


All Legal Holidays and

From whole month of February

Payment Platform On-line

For your convenience, pay on-line

You can pay your registration and monthly payment using cards:

Credit - Debit - Great Stores


Opening of new Workshops and Courses, schedule changes, Offers, Exhibitions and more

Become an Associate and Friend of Real Art

By making a voluntary donation you will have access to multiple benefits in all Real Art activities, you will be contributing to continue with our formative work and you will be part of the exclusive group of Real Art friends